The BBC hit show Killing Eve is based off Luke Jennings’s thriller novel Codename Villanelle, the British spy thriller tv series has become a huge sensation in the UK and US starring Sandra Oh as Polastri and Jodie Comer as Villanelle.
Being featured on BBC’s sister broadcast channel BBC America, the emmy winning show was recently renewed for a third and fourth season – which first hit the small screen in 2018.
With a huge response from the show’s audience, heavenly recordings and sid gentle films released two unique vinyl LP’s for season one and two on Friday 13th December including BAFTA-winning music. Each LP’s visual aesthetics and design fittingly suit the show’s themes of drama and thriller.
We collaborated with Heavenly Recordings for the Killing Eve Season One & Two OST release which includes:
Season One features twenty-two dark and mischievous tracks curated by DJ turned film composer David Holmes (his favourite tunes from the two seasons) including Cigarettes After Sex, Devil’s Angels and more. "Style, atmosphere, feeling… These qualities ooze out of Unloved’s dynamic S1 songs. ‘Sigh’ reverberates with unresolved lust; ‘After Dinner’ and ‘Cry Baby Cry’ brim with swoony mystique; ‘This Is the Time’ comes on like a fever; and ‘Xpectations’ furnishes Killing Eve with a signature tune – music to spill kids’ ice cream to" [Heavenly Recordings].
This is available as a double 12” clear vinyl with a bold solid blood red splatter pattern. The LP is housed in an off-white gatefold sleeve with an overall matt finish and spot UV gloss on the Killing Eve logo and laser cut on the holes to give a blood splatter effect on the off-white coloured background.
Season Two features nineteen tracks including many tracks from the dark girl group Unloved, It's Not You, It's Me, Damned and more along with The Delmonas, Le Volume Courbe and more. The album is available as a double 12” crimson red vinyl LP with a black splatter pattern housed in a black gatefold sleeve with an overall matt machine finish with a spot gloss UV finish on the Killing Eve logo/text. The front cover of the gatefold has laser cutting on the holes to create and enhance the blood splatter effect. The inner sleeves both have a gloss machine finish.
Holmes says “It’s a feeling you have, you just know when something’s working. It was like that every time we dropped the needle on Killing Eve." [Heavenly Recordings]
Killing Eve Season One & Two OST is now available on to order: Store.