2020 Blog

How to Support and Save Our Music Venues

There are over 500 independent music venues that are in risk of shutting down. The music industry is asking its supporters, artists, music lovers and everyone to get together to help save them.

There are many campaigns that have started to raise funding. Music Venue Trust (MVT) supports over 670 independent venues. MVT is a UK registered charity which helps and acts to “protect, secure and improve UK Grassroot Music Venues” [Music Venue Trust]. These venues have become a crucial part of the development of British music in the last forty years. They are essential to artists as they are a main part of career development for independent artist to practice, progress and grow along with a necessity in the independent music community.

MVT have set up three funds that you can donate to Grassroot Music Venue Crisis Fund, GMV Crisis Fund and #Saveourvenues. Association of Independent Music (AIM), a non-profit organisation which represents the UK independent recorded music sector, is supporting Music Venues Trust’s #saveourvenues campaign encouraging the public and its members to do the same.

As we continue to stay quarantined, the government are using new rules for easing lockdown, this means that venues can open but live performances are not allowed due to social distancing measures (you can find the rules/guidelines for venues here). This will decline revenue for music venues as live performances, which are an essential part for venues to survive.

Here are ways you can help:

Help #saveourvenues

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