2020 Blog

Funds in Relief of Our Music Industry

With Covid 19, the independent music scene has created funds to help and support its members to continue their work. Tours have been cancelled, album and press launches too, for some artists, it’s their only source of income.

Music labels and non-profit organisations came together to keep this industry growing by creating more grants and continuing their ongoing missions on helping those in need, new artists and more.

Not only were these funds created to help with the current situation, but also to help artists pre-covid, whether it is encouraging diversity, boosting the careers of young artists today. These relief funds will help artists, managers and members in the music community.

Here are some of the funds you can help:

  • PRS Foundation: is running a third round of its Sustaining Creativity Fund. This round will focus on supporting Black music creators affected by the #COVID19 pandemic.
  • MOBO Help Musicians Fund: Applications are open for the #MOBOHelpMusiciansFund, which includes a £3,000 grant, career advice & health and well-being support.
  • Goethe Institut: Applications are open for 'virtual partner residencies' funding from Goethe Institut for international musical collaboration projects. Aimed at small groups or solo artists, this could be for joint research, compositions or innovative online projects for example.
  • Band Camp Covid-19 Fundraiser: Bandcamp have opened this fund to support artists impacted by Covid-19. Raising 7.1 million, artists will still need the support and still feel the effects of loss of income in the next few months.
  • Youth Music: You Music launched this fund to promote diversity in the music industry. Grants up to 30,000 are being given to employers to encourage and develop the careers of their young artists and employees.
  • Aim Crisis Fund: For AIM members, artists and the freelancers working with them, there is still funding available from the AIM Crisis Fund.
  • Arts Council: A £1.57 billion investment has been put into Britain’s world-class cultural, arts and heritage institutions. This grant was given to help and protect the cultural, arts and heritage institutions across the UK, from any impact from Covid-19.

Please support by sharing and donating too!


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