2020 Blog

COVID-19 Information - We Are Here for You

We hope you are keeping well.
As the situation with the COVID-19 continues to develop we want to assure our clients of the following steps we are taking to minimise disruption and to ensure we are open for business throughout the duration.

  • All office staff have the ability to work from home and log in to all of our business systems remotely to ensure uninterrupted service.
  • All staff can be contacted in exactly the same way as normal. Via phone or video calls, mobile, email or other social channels.  
  • New orders and existing orders are still in production and being processed without any change.
  • Lead times remain the same as normal and all manufacturing plants are following health guidelines, allowing them to function as normal.
  • Shipping has some small delays but currently all borders are open to trade shipments.

If you have any concerns about current or up and coming orders, please get in touch in the usual way and be certain that we will communicate any changes or delays as soon as we know. Our staff would particularly appreciate phone calls at this time as they adjust to working from home.

Rest assured that we will do all we can to mitigate any impact on our customers’ business at this time.

Stay safe!

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