Here at Key we get up to a lot more than you think!
Yes, we are account managers, sales managers, accountants, packaging experts, production manager, but behind the job title lies the soul of a very creative bunch with a plethora of personalities.
That’s why we decided to showcase our team creativity in the very first Key Employees’ Instagram takeover!
With painters, chefs, gig-goers, nail artists, musicians and more, Key Instagram takeover will be jam-packed with sneak peaks of our personal lives, hobbies and passions!
This week it’s Lorna T. time to take over! Lorna works in our Reprographic Department and she is a sketch artist (check out her blog Gigs and Pencils), she plays in a good number of amazing bands, The Pukes, Rabies Babies, Mountain of Fire and Miracles, she’s a radio show host and the rest you’ll find out by following her takeover tomorrow!
Instagram username: key_production